welcome to blake brothers food service
Redefining Food Service
New to Our Range
Salt & Chilli Wings
Oatly Oat Milk
Boneless Chicken wings
Vit Hit Range
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact a member of the Sales Team?
Please see our ''Contact Us'' menu option and fill out the form accordingly. Otherwise please do not hesitate to give the office a call on 01 409 7460
How to I open an account and how long does this process take?
Customers wishing to open an account need to fill out our account opening forms. Once this application form is approved, an account will be opened. This process can take up to 48hrs from receipt of completed forms. To access these forms please contact a member of our sales team.
What Products do we sell?
We stock an extensive range of products across ambient, chilled, frozen and non food. Please see '' Our Product Range'' to discover our range.
How can I Place an Order?
Customers can order through our Telesales department up until 16:45pm or alternatively, Customers can order through our Unify Ordering Platform up until 5AM for same day delivery. Please see our ''Online Ordering'' on the main menu.